Blakeney, North Norfolk, Field Recording

Blakeney, North Norfolk, Field Recording
You can now pre-order my 14 song North Norfolk Coast album on my Bandcamp page

I recorded at Blakeney, North Norfolk on the same day as the Morston video. It was mid morning, the weather was still lovely and the light was brilliant. I started filming as it was approaching high tide. The small quay was busy with sailors, kayakers, crabbers (known colloquially as 'gillying').

The audio i recorded included a small amount of bird and water sounds, but mainly consisted of man-made sounds, including: car tyres on gravel, boat motors, the splash of kayak oars, the clanking of masts and sheets in the wind.

Several of the noises had a rhythmical nature, e.g. the clanking of masts and sheets, so i'll be really interested in whether i can incorporate those into the music i write for this location. Maybe i can manipulate the clanking to be a beat-based backbone to the piece of music.