You can now pre-order my 14 song North Norfolk Coast album on my Bandcamp page

The final field recording video for 2022, recorded in September. Wells is one of my top 3 Norfolk beaches, combining lovely sand, picturesque beach huts and a nice little town to explore for when you are bored of the beach.

From a field recording perspective there was an interesting mix of people, dogs and gulls that should provide an interesting mix of sounds sources for the piece of music I will create for this location.

This will be the last video until Spring. I've now edited all the field recordings i've made so far. Over the rest of the winter i'll focus on creating the music for the locations i've recorded so far and in the spring when the weather and light is better i'll head out again and complete the rest of my planned location, which include Stiffkey, Morston, Blakeney, Cley, Salthouse, Weybourne, Sheringham, and Cromer.

Wells Next-the-sea Field Recording