Salthouse, North Norfolk, field recording

After Cley the next location along the coast was Salthouse. It was around 1pm when i arrived, the light was lovely, but the wind had continued to pick up since Cley, so quite a lot of my audio is wind noise.
Salthouse is a shingle beach, so i captured some nice audio of the waves hitting the shingle. There were a few people on the beach, some sea fishing, others just out for a stroll. The shingle at Salthouse has some interesting undulations, i don't know if these are man made as part of flood defences (the car park at the beach and the road to it regularly get flooded at high tide), or if its just naturally sculpted by the wind and the tide. What you see between 26-48 seconds and 5:00-5:35 is a small hilly bank of shingle that you have to summit in order to get your first glimpse of the sea.
Recording here reminded me of a few years ago when a friend and i walked the North Norfolk coastal path from Old Hunstanton to Cromer over 3 days. The stretch between Cley, Salthouse and Weybourne was our least favourite, its a looooong stretch of shingle beach that just saps energy from your legs, that plus the fact it was February, around 1°C with a blasting headwind really didn't help. But on this day, with the temp around 27°C and the sun high in the sky it helped me reevaluate and appreciate Salthouse as a bit more than just part of a particularly gruelling section of a walking trip.