Weeknote 4

Things i've been thinking about and reflecting on this week:
- There is a saying in Lean that says something like 'whenever you resolve a bottleneck you create a new bottleneck'
- Whilst i think the above aphorism is true in the context of throughput, i've also been pondering how you could apply the same thing when looking at maturity of capabilities within an organisaiton. Specifically i'm thinking about 'maturity dependencies', when you try and improve a capability within an organisation, one of the constraints will be the relative maturity of the dependent capabilities. This might seem obvious at a granular level e.g. you aren't going to do continous delivery if you haven't automated your testing, but I think its also true at a business capability level. e.g. its difficult to drive transformational innovation, if your strategy process doesn't involve exploration and experimentation, or its difficult to improve a process if there are capability constraints within resourcing/management/funding/governance. Just as removing a bottleneck creates a new bottleneck, driving improvements in capability maturity will in turn highlight new capabilities to mature.
- There is always a point where there are diminishing returns from talking about something and its better to just crack on and do it and learn. The point at which we realise that is always well after the point that the returns have started diminishing.
- Completed my 2nd ever ParkRun, and my first at Watton, still bowled over by the amazing volunteers that make it happen every week
- Progress on learning how to use my Digitone 2 is slow and steady, this Video by the brilliant Cuckoo has helped a lot, i've just finished making my first kick, snare and hi-hat from scratch starting with a sine wave. If that sounds like i know what i'm doing then i've misled you :)